About This Site
Perpetually under construction, the aim of this site is to share my journey towards true masculinity. I want to be as candid and open as humanly possible.
Will I document my approaches, closes, and blowouts? Probably. But I’ll also write whatever the hell I want and see what this site transforms into. I have no master plan. No angle. I’ll let the site evolve organically and tweak as needed.
I’ll write a bio eventually. Just know for now – I am 48, six years out of a marriage. Two well adjusted, awesome teenage kids. Spent 4 years using online apps exclusively which destroyed my, at the time, already fragile self-worth. Discovered the Game/Redpill/Manosphere space a year or two ago. Went into monk mode for a full year, faced my demons, entered some dark places, and came out the other side, where to this day, I continue to grow, learn, and ask questions. I am no expert. Nor will I ever be.
But if anything I write resonates with just one person and it can somehow be the spark that lights a fire under their ass and changes the course of their life, then the discomfort I’ve been through (and continue to put myself through) was worth it.